- Use the funds for education of needy students
- Provide FREE education to all (Computer, Personality, Communication etc) by visiting the schools, villages
- Provide Educational LOAN (No interest) to the intelligent, poor and needy students who will return the loan as per their convenience.
- Scholorships to poor and meritorius stidents.
There are many students who are seeking help for their education. There are many people who are willing to help the right people. SHUBHAM Educational society will be working in helping the needy people with correct information. Many corporation or government run schools require funds to motivate poor students for study. SHUBHAM Educational Society will be donating funds, books, educational aids to poor and needy students.
1) Contact SHUBHAM Educational Society by email to Whether you want to donate or receive.
2) Give your all details including name, contact number, email, address, requirements etc in detail.
3) SHUBHAM Educational Society will revert back all details to you.
For Donors:
The funds donated by you will be used for needy educational activities only. Your donations will be kept in bank. Whenever any student comes for requirements then he will be scritinised and then his information will be forwarded to you also. After your confirmation the donation will be transfered. The students are requested to give feedback monthly to the donors personally thanking for kind co-operation.